"Many marriages are being destroyed by Domestic abuse, infidelity, oppression on the job and in the home. Somewhere along the line, married couples seem to have lost focus and strayed away from what God created. I'm here to tell you, its really not supposed to be this way." Its not supposed to be, be this way. Don't you know it wasn't meant to be this way. We're living the wrong vision, lost sight of God's intention. I'm telling you, it wasn't meant to be this way. In the beginning, God made a man. The man was lonely, so then God's plan was To make a woman, so they can be together Forever happily, that's how its supposed to be. Its not supposed to be, be this way. Don't you know it wasn't meant to be this way. Reality! We're living the wrong vision, lost sight of God's intention. I'm telling you, it wasn't meant to be this way. The Bible says "A Man that findeth a Wife, Findeth a Good thing". FINDETH A GOOD THING! If you have a good thing, hold on to her. Love her like yourself; unselfish and unconditional Life's so blind. Life's so blind.Oh what a joy you'll find. If you have God in your marriage. With God inside you can conquer anything.... God ordained marriage and the devil hates the very sound of it. But if you have Christ in your life, you can defeat the devil! Let me encourage you... "Wives when you done all you can to make a happy home and your husband still raises his hand, have respect for yourself and tell that devil No, I'm not taking anymore abuse from you, I'm the Lord's child". It wasnt meant to be this way. Wives when your husband lose his job and the bills are due, don't discourage him, encourage him. Get together and pray. Pray together, you'll stay together. Now that's the way its supposed to be. Oh' I've got to go a little deeper... Husbands and wives, when that man or that woman, that keeps calling your house and hanging up in your face, before you jump to conclusions. You need to get down on your knees until the Lord shows you what to do. He knows whats best for you. Husband and wives, when the spirit of depression come into your house and the devil tells you to turn your back on God...Tell that lying devil "As for me and my house, we're gonna serve the Lord". Thats how its supposed to be! I know that these things happen, its a part of our everyday life. I'm telling you we lost sight of God's intention. Its really not supposed to be this way. No!