The summer comes and the summer goes If I quit work, d'you think anyone would know? To come and go just as I please That seems like a quite nice idea But I'm stuck here So little time - I've got to show you why I had a dream – beneath a grey Fens sky I frittered all my youth away With comics, sweets and 48k Well that was okay… And favourite popstars whose posters you cherished And bags of sweet candy and fruit flavoured chews And pets that belonged to a friendly old neighbour And big beasties that only came on the box And breakfast cereals with far too much sugar And coffee that made you burst all hyperactive And toys that belonged to your best friend from schooltime You wanted – you saved up – you counted the days And programmes you watched when you should have been sleeping And nights spent in blankets with books read by torchlight And diaries you started and covered with stickers And best clothes you wanted to wear for all time Give me my childhood preserved green and friendly Help me remember what I have forgotten Lead me on back through the mists of my mindscape Show me again what it meant to be young