Treasure, Lost in a field Found by a traveler, then quickly concealed. Rejoicing, he gives up his all To have the treasure, the Kingdom of God. Jesus knew we were lost. He came as a traveler to cover the cost. Unfailing, he paid with His death. Hoping we’d join Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. Now truly we see what we are. The treasure will govern the heart. And if His heart moved Him to die, so we could live, Then His treasure is you and I. There’s treasure waiting in heaven For all who follow the truths he has given. He bids us come, so that’s what I will do, To have this treasure, I’ll treasure the truth. Truly we show what we are, The treasure will govern our hearts. And if our hearts will give up all to live with Him, Then our treasure’s the Son of God. Like treasure laid in a tomb Brought forth triumphant in glorious view. I pledge my faith, and all that I can do, To win His treasure, He is my treasure, To be His treasure, I’ll treasure the truth.