hey you listen body have you got a dime for a cup of coffe `cause my body feels a kind a cold and i hear the boulevard i now he bered five years old i used to go wacko with my friends we`d do any little thing just to check in a little cash all i want is one more freaking dollar all all i want is one more freaking dollar and next side they what they need and all my family we wack like do a rich party no when we meet at last for one milting stinky trash now watch what you`re about to give to me `cause my penns are too short help me out i know that you can anything is better then nothing (chorus) lucky blue came for the money in my pocket there`s always nothing there but something tells me someday i`ll be famous i`ll trough andy yeah (chorus) hey you listen body (chorus) give me what you can anything baby now better then nothing oh yeah yeah i`ll give you two dolars ok oh money yeah oh yeah