


My author is the father, the beginningless source
Made known through Christ who has opened the portal to
The shadowless dimensions, where chaos does not exist
And my soul shall be granted a repose in pure light

My author is not the jealous and envious one
Not the wrathful demiurge, nor his adversaries
Who fashioned the adam through genetic hybridization
Made him as lulu amelu: Slave species from the earth
I swallowed the red pill and things began to reveal

For far too long we have been fooled and bound
By the principalities who control this whole world
Into believing all their lies and deceptions
To keep us enslaved within the matrix of perceptions

By the father's amazing grace I rose from slumber
None shall take away my path to ultimate ascension
By the spirit who guides me every step of the way
As gnosis received, the suppressed truth is steadily uncovered