
Spiritual Anarchism


We are children of the incorruptible source
The living father, pure beginningless light
But our world is ruled by evil archontic forces
Who establish the role of divine dominion

Resist the governance of these dark spiritual energies
That manifest within the powers of the ruling elite
Controlling us with their global mass deceptions
Enslave us within the construct of perceptual distortions

Look what they have done to employ the system
Of economy, politics, religion, media, education
Feed us with constant fear, hate and ignorance
Try to keep us away from love, peace and wakefulness

No gods, no masters, we are not their slaves
No rulers and authorities shall we bow
Knowing the fact that archons are never above us in spirit
They have never been since the dawn of humanity
Now is perfect time to reclaim souls from these lesser gods
Seize this end-time momentum, join the blessed movement

It is our turn to wake up and resist the new world order
Their diabolic agenda of total domination of mankind
Together we fight the good fight, activate the inner anarchist
The truth has set us free, let us rise against subterfuge