So I crawled down the stairs to the truth, that is sleeping alone, on a bed, the mosquito net weeping above. That lazy old truth, been lying there for weeks. So I throw myself on to the bed, onto the mercy of the truth, who is stirring and trying to cheer up the net, and afterwards me, and I'm feeling weak. Cause I could go on, and on, deluding myself. Waiting in the shadows, I am waiting for something else to come along and put things in order. Meanwhile, I raise my hands above the water. Ready, I am in position. Just promise you'll be here soon. So all of the people around, I don't wanna grow old like them. Bracing, and grabbing too tight to not much. But I start feeling tired a little earlier each day. So I'm looking to re-arrange the dawn, to tidy up the order of events, and unwind every thread of regret. But take that away, and what is there left? Cause I could go on, and on, deluding myself. Waiting in the shadows, I am waiting for something else to come along and put things in order. Meanwhile, I raise my hands above the water. Ready, I am in position. Just promise you'll be here soon. From now on, I just know things will be different. See the waves? They're all nodding their agreement. If you promise you'll be here soon.