Pacing back and forth a big cat inside a cage Spinning through a kaleidoscope it's colors never change Trapped on a planet that doesn't know his name And there's no one to blame Wrapped inside his solitude feeling like a child Questions is it really worth going a extra mile Does anyone see/does anyone care Abandoned forgotten just isn't fair Cry for the angel without wings His soul no longer sings Weep for the angel without wings Oo to fly again Oo fly high again To fly above the thunder To soar into a storm taking refuge in the clouds Blocking out the earths loud roar Footprints in the sand always single file Will the future ever send love walking down the aisle Longing for those days no matter what the cost Knowing what to miss when everything is lost Always doing what he's told never asking why Blocks out all carnal lust and thoughts of suicide Has to answer yes or a heart he might break Will anyone look back and see All this quiet soul did take