
Lavender Calligraphy


O, Lavender Calligraphy
You who exist behind every letter
A faint voice, if I listen
What was your name again?

Here's the flower I picked
I'm sorry
That I pressed in the pages before
O, God, those weren't the things that I meant

Filled with prayers that she made
That I locked away deep in the drawer
"It was you who said that I'd be dead"

Oh, she made her mistakes
Silhouette of a phantom I know

Son, you know that you're going to Hell
Distant voice of a girl who once ran from her father
Looking back now I know, it was fear
Loss again, an explosion, a match

I live on that day
I live in that room
Folding quilts and avoiding her eyes
Dead regret, chitin shell underground

Inside the dresser
That was there far before I could stand
Your molded letter
Folded there in a drawer left unsent

I love you forever
I like you for always
For as long as you're with me
What was your name again?