Karan Casey

Jimmy Whelan

Karan Casey

One evening of late as I went a-walking
Watching the sunbeams as evening drew nigh
It's onwards I rambled and I spied a fair maiden
A-weeping and a-wailing with many's a sigh

For one who has gone and now lies lonely
Lonely for one no mortal can tell
Her deep roaming waters roll swiftly around him
And the grass, it grows green over young Jimmy's grave

"Oh Jimmy," she cried, "Now, don't go and leave me
Don't go and leave me here for to mourn
Take me, oh take me along with you, darling
Down to your grave and the cold, silent tomb"

"My darling," he said "You are asking a favor
That no mortal on earth could grant unto thee
Death is the dagger that has torn us asunder
And wide is the grave, love, between you and me

For 'tis oft times you walk by the banks of the river
My spirit will watch you to guard and to keep
There will I hover and ever fly over
To protect you, my darling, from the cold, silent tomb

One fond embrace, love, and then I must leave you
One loving farewell and then we must part"
Cold were the arms that encircled around her
And cold was the form she pressed to her heart

So slowly he rose from the banks of the river
And up to the skies he then seemed to go
Leaving this fair maid by the side of the water
A-weeping and a-wailing in anguish and woe

"Oh Jimmy Whelan," she cried, "Now, don't go and leave me
Don't go and leave me here for to mourn
Take me, oh take me along with you, darling
Down to your grave and the cold, silent tomb"