Clampdown 2001 - a new age of darkness has begun Here we are 2002 - they're looking through their sights and the target is YOU "War on terror" - war without end And when they say "terrorist" that's YOU my friend They've got their private prisons to put you in You'll get your ID chip planted under your skin September the 11th - what about September the 10th?? When 35,000 people met their end In a world of plenty they died of starvation In the war of the rich against "third world" nations The same on the 9th and the 8th To a deafening silence from the United States Then American outrage - how could someone else manage Their own "precision bombing" and "collateral damage"? More war and oppression is what we'll get "Mass destruction"? - You ain't seen nothing yet As a new age of darkness covers the globe In this new age of darkness YOU're the only hope