
Song Of Roland


as crusaders ravage the earth 
at night their swords and shields hang to their side 
for the battle they had forsaken 
for the glory they had fortaken 
the king rides ahead of the group 
homeward bound he marches his troops 
for fair land france lies in the balance 
for foe man france home of the gallant
song of roland 
never knight be so worthy 
song of roland 
never knight be so worthy
the king holds grief in his eyes 
for his nephew he's left behind 
to ensure the background is stable 
to ensure them against attack
the king kneels to his nephew, 
brave knight prince roland 
he holds tears in his eyes 
and pain in his heart 
'for our god's we tear our world's apart 
and with this death i leave you 
one last thought 
never knight be so worthy 
till france be no more'
as lances draw upon the enemy 
a sea of waving banners surround, 
the moors fall from the hillside 
like the rain in the dark forest 
as the battle rolls on 
the men fall to ground 
their ears ache for the shrill of the horn, 
but roland persists on holding his ground, 
'let us strike a mighty blow 
for our lord and our god!'
song of roland 
never knight be so worthy 
song of roland 
never knight be so worthy