
Abusing The Innocents


Oh my God 
I can't belive it, why is the human mind 
able to create such perversities 
It's so confusing to know what man's about to do. 

Daily news are shocking reminding of this 
horrible crime done to the innocents 
Kept in the dark for noone to see, victims of barbaric intentions. 


Can't ignore this ruthless thing. Abusing the innocents (2x) 
Can't believe what's happening. Abusing the innocents(2x) 

Beating, smashing, kicking, breaking, burning 
and raping what's of their own blood 
Incredible fact to be revealed. 

What are you doing? This planet is drowning in its own mental vomit 
"Torture of the highest degree" 

Is there no emotion? Are there no feelings? No love or warmth? 
Only brutality, gruesome horror the absolute humiliation 
Sometimes given away to others to fulfill their sexual desires. 
This is a sign of pure decadence 
This is a sign of poor decadence 


Broken forever, never to lead a normal life, never to be free, never to be happy again (2x) 

Your worst nightmare has come true 
Unimaginable mental and physical pain 
Takes control of your body 
Cracked by the sickness called life. 

Rising of hate and fear devours yourself, destroys you from within, merciless desecration (2x)