City shoes found ways down green fertile valleys, See I never could fall straight in line so sure. Someone with a thing to say Writes on a leaf And lets it fall onto my feet. "Talalaa" I receive the news so small a child Who cannot understand. I can't hear and I don't know, And the wind slows down so Still a tree's a tree! So calm and for a moment it makes sense but The tree says "la la" and the language is strange The woman's "wa wa" am I too bored to understand? Well good I'm done. Off to the wild for me. In the green wild I am gone My hands, toes, shoulders gone But the shoes my feet have worn still remain And they walk toward the sea There's a flavor to the sound of walking No one ever never noticed before. There's a humor in the way they walk, Even a flower walks! But doesn't look for me. It walks just as it's grown. It's laughing So naturally. It tells me a tree's a tree.