See sir frederick ponsonby, commander of the 12th light dragoons And general jacquinot reacts, the french can see we'll hold our own with smiles Enter the fearsome lancers Savage and terrifying, they pierce my flesh Wounded in both my arms and Out of control I plunge into the fray Explore the limits of yourself And ask yourself just how much can you take When one can take abuse with smiles Then he in turn may lead his men as sons When I open up my eyes and try to lift myself out of the mud Hear, "tu n'es pas mort, coquin?" and quickly followed by another blow I feel the steel inside me The pain is overwhelming and blinding I taste the blood arising My lung is pierced and soon I slip away I once again awaken So paralyzed, forsaken and alone I'm robbed in empty pockets A tirailleur will use me as a shield Explore the limits of yourself And ask yourself just how much can you take When one can take abuse with smiles Then he in turn may lead his men as sons