In a gust of wind he brought up dust with his love purity and trust The Most High placed his breath upon us and gave us the power of advanced creativity so that we could move over land and the sea the things we only dream in dreams Made of this image so that we could be awarded for our good deeds Hosanna Almighty Creation But with self indulgence we departed from his harbor of protection with projection of our own direction was once affection now turned to rejection came about from struggling hands that worked the land now plant and expand from bloody rubble, we find this truth and manifest this light unto the youth Hosanna Almighty Creation With this knowledge between good and evil Let us not destroy what we've made so feeble Mother earth with all her sacred love And how we torment her both below and above Through total dependence and technological addiction Why can't we see this is causing global affliction Be it as it may, we are limiting our days By making an enemy of Almighty's creation.