Baby you always stop singin' when I walk into the room and just the other night why did you stop dancing when I caught you in the kitchen with the broom A part of you, you still keep all to yourself when I'm around [Chorus] Sometiems I wish I was invisible Baby and stand in the doorway, you're drivin' me crazy with every simple natural thing that you do Sometimes I wish that I could disappear so maybe without you knowin' I'm here I could fall in love all over again with the way that you move Cause when youre all alone and you dont know that I'm watchin' you're so beautiful sometimes I wish I was invisible I'd go crazy every mornin' just seein' you put up your hair that I'd ride shotgun with you all the way to work just to watch you walkin' when you got there Baby I'd love to see all those things you keep from me when I'm not around [Chorus] Sometimes I wish that I could disappear so maybe without you knowin' I'm here I could fall in love all over again with the way that you move Cause when youre all alone and you dont know that I'm watchin' you're so beautiful sometimes I wish I was invisible Sometimes I wish I was invisible you're so beautiful