Joe Ely

I'm Gonna Strangle You Shorty

Joe Ely

Half way to Louisanna,
his load
When the waitress happened to see him,
I never seen any woman so sore
The skillet come flyin' out the kitchen
And Shorty runnin' out the door
"I'm gonna strangle you Shorty, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy"
That is what she said
"I'm gonna strangle you Shorty, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy"
"You're way up over your head."
We pulled in to Texarkana
Shorty sweatin his short lifespan
But sure as the wind gonna blow again
Here come that woman with that fryin' pan
I ran east and Shorty ran West
I never seen which way he went
Next day I saw his picture in the paper he was lyin
By a fryin pan whose handle was bent
Chorus 2x