J.J. Cale

After Midnight

J.J. Cale

Tom: C

To: *

J.J.J. Cale's music:

AFTER MIDNIGHT from "Naturally" (1st album):
Key: D

              h                    h

This riff is played twice, and then J.J. starts singing:

          Af - ter  mid-night
                                                 Riff 2
   F               G                      D (play riff2 twice)
      we're gon-na let it all___    hang   out

    D                           F               G
        Af-ter mid)night           we're gon-na chug-a-lug &
                                 it's gon-na be peaches and

(In the following, strike chords only at the chord letters.
2nd verse coincides with 1st wherever only one line is typed)
    D (repeat riff twice)  |  D     D       D-D D    |
                           |                         |
    shout     we're gon-na |cause talk and suspicion |
    cream                  |                         |

    F        F       F-F F | G        G        G-G G    |
                           |                            |
   give an  ex-hi-bi-tion  |find out what it is   all a-|

    A     A     A-A  A-A |  D    D          D-D  D |
                         |                         |
   bout.                 |      Af-ter mid- night, |

    F    F - F         G           G-G    |   D (riff2 twice)|
                                          |                 |

    D      D            D-D   D| (1. Return to F on line 3)
                               | (2. solo starts)
          Af-ter mid - night   |

The solo is fairly basic and follows the progression of the
verse (2 times). I'm not typing it in, 'cause you should be
able to get it off the record. If not: improvise!


N.C.          |(Return to '*', repeat & fade part after '**')
We're gon-na  |

I hope this helps you master this tune, and remind you that if
you should ever come across any of J.J.'s stuff: POST IT!!

Phew!!!  I only have these tunes written in music (notes), and
the converting to TAB is bugging me although I know some of it
by heart. In the following I only give you the chord
structure. I just don't have the time to do everything...
If you really have trouble figuring out some parts: listen to
the records. If that doesn't help: Send me a line and I'll try
to help.

Cajuun Moon From "Okie" 3rd album.

Recorded in Ebminor
Arranged in Dminor

Intro: Dm G Dm A7 G

m                           G                    Dm
  Cajun moon_ where does your power lie_?  as you move_ across
      G                           Dm           A7
the southern sky.__  You took my baby way too soon. What have
     G             Dm
you done_   Cajun moon?_

(Same structure thruout song, fade on 6th verse ending.)

2. Someday baby, when you want your man
   And find him gone, just like the wind
   Don't trouble your mind, whatever you do,
   'Cause Cajun moon took him from you.

3. Repeat verse 1

4. When daylight fades, and night comes on,
   You can hear the silence of this song,
   Don't trouble your mind, whatever you do,
   'Cause he got me like he got you.

5. Repeat verse 1

6. Repeat verse 1

Here's one of my favorite laid back tunes:

MAGNOLIA From "Naturally" 1st album..

Key C
