Tom: B B I use to have that fire in my eyes, now we're 98.6 degree's And Fallin' E How cold does love get before it dies, [Verse] B E We've got a house, the fancy car, A B Yea baby we worked hard now here we are, E Maybe we paid, more than it should cost, F# We got a California King size bed, B And we got lost, but [Chorus] E let ring> E You use to have a fever for me darlin, B I use to have that fire in my eyes, now we're 98.6 degree's And Fallin' E How cold does love get before it dies, [Instrumental] E B E [Verse 2] B E So many friends, wound up alone, A B Didn't know just what they had till it was gone, E So baby lock that door, and turn down the lights, F# B C Ain't nobody leavin here, till we get it right, [Chorus] F let ring> F You use to have a fever for me darlin, C I use to have that fire in my eyes, now we're 98.6 degree's And Fallin' F How cold does love get before it dies, C F C F How cold does love get before it dies,