Every wall You have broken down The veil in between us, love tore apart We’re ready for You God Ready for Your love Now faith like a fire It’s in our bones And praise is exploding in all of us We’re ready for You God Ready for Your love There is no fear There is no fear in Your love With open hearts God We are ready to run Into Your presence There is no fear in Your love Now grace like a river Is flowing down And all eyes are on You ‘Cause You’re beautiful We’re ready for You God Ready for Your love I run into Your presence I come as I am, I come as I am What is broken, love can mend What is hurting, love can heal What is lost and long forgotten Love restores and Love reveals Love is piercing through the darkness Love is lifting off our shame Love will carry us to freedom Love is calling us by name Love is shouting resurrection Love is roaring like a flood Singing songs of our redemption We are set free in this love We get set free in this love