"so you're gay?" that's what they say, in a frazzled state. My hands are tied my mouth is wide they look to me. There's confusion i'm improving my way. Because i'm learning how to reply when i speak. They always ask me how i know who i am. As if i need some kind of test or an exam. My mouth is sure and it's able, my words on the table, I draw in air and smile. It's soft lips and it's hair. it's fire i see when a woman's there. It's not mind, not body, it's heart. If we could choose, then we would lose i know for sure. Because we'd change most everything we want and more. I've bowed my head and heard the words of those who think. How can you argue with impossibility? I wish we didn't see the label, i wish we didn't see the kind. I wish we didn't see the color, i wish we all could see man blind. I wish we didn't see one making as the only path that's right. I wish we didn't think that love is something worth causing a fight.