At a glance from the cup-bearer i gulped the whole cup of wine in one draught and thus got intoxicated. o'divine mercy pardon my slip from grace as my eagerness for wine drinking pushed me in committing this error. i could i dare to drink without permission! it was only a wink from my sweetheart which prompted me to do so. o'holy man don't scoff at my apparent irreligiosity, i am the one with his knack of chit-chat coaxed the divinity in granting me permission to drink. dark clouds are hovering near and bring along the musicians' captivating notes. who has spread her hair in the rainy season because the breeze is pregnant with sweet fragrance? larks dance in the open tunes played by the clouds as they are bringing along their own playing instruments. the eyes of my sweetheart are so bewitchingly red that even the best wine of the tavern pales in comparison. being coquettish my sweetheart sometimes comes very near to me and at other time goes far away. but all the time she is close to my heart. since the day my eyes met her lovely ones i am in perpetual state of slight intoxication. her residence in my heart is camparable to a ray of light penetrating the pitch of darkness. this state of slight intoxication. your love and your bewitching eyes have induced me to become a drunkard. the whole universe is in a state of drunkeness; the day, the night, the dawn, the dusk, everything is perpetually intoxicated. even the wine cup and wine bottle are drunk. And this is all a result of your bashful eyes. o'lovely cup-bearer although your repository contains all sorts of wines, but i am only fond of the wine that drips from your drowsy eyes. this state of slight intoxication. i don't know how to say prayers nor do i know the rites of ablution. i just prostrate myself before you whenever i see you, because your worship and your love is my life. right from creation i am the slave of love, and i don't care for belief or disbelief. my sweetheart, since i have found you and have become the worshipper at the alter of your love i don't require a mosque to prostrate myself and say my prayers. this slight state of intoxication. even on the day of judgement when i am resurrected the scars of your love will be manifest on my body and your picture clinging to my heart. my extreme love of you has so elevated me spiritually that who ever i bow my heat it appears as if holy kaaba is in front of me. it does not behoove you to jeer and mock your disappointed lover. for god sake o'lovely one turn away your alluring eyes otherwise i will totally lose control of my heart. i pray to god that like me you also fall in love with someone and then having been rebuffed in dejection you also roam about and lament the loss of your heart. to fall in love was a joke for me, but it has turned into a serious affair and now i am getting the punishment. while i am bewaiting the loss of my heart why are you laughing and making merry? What have you gained out of it? raise your hands in prayer for me and be thankful of my friendship because it is i who has sharpened your charms thus turning you lovely being into a killer. o'darling of my heart bestow a glance of your lovely eyes at me, i am the same halfdead anwar who as mentor and guide taught you to display captivating manners and charm the people with your conversation.