
My Nation


i hate when people 
dont respect kids 
some need welfare 
and people need to 
care it aint fair when 
the kid is in the street 
with no shoes on their 
feet and theyare getting 
beat there's no need for that 
kids need to get feed give them 
all what they need give them your 
respect give the love they 
expect and take sec to cash your 
check who do you admired give the 
kid what they desire if you dont 
you are fire oh i forgot you never 
were hire dont be lier ill new 
bless a child even 
if they within a 

kids need eduacation in 
all the nation and all 
the generation it dont matter 
if there watching world wrestling 
fedaration. but they have to 
go to school so you wont be fool 
so when they graduate you get 
congratulate dont hate. I was 
the same but i wasnt the to be blame 
now im into to fame and im still 
the same im into a new game. but i 
still hang my hommies haystac we 
always play all my tracks matter fact 
we just love that. when we are playing 
darts in the back yard and talking 
to my security guard about retards. 