ROCHESTER are to undertake the education of the five daughters of Mrs. Dionysus O'Gall. At Bitternut Lodge, in Connaught, Ireland. JANE Ireland! I really must object... ROCHESTER Jane, this is best JANE I don't agree, sir. ROCHESTER Jane, when you're gone I will miss our walks Our little talks The look of sunlight on your face Soon to be a memory... Jane, when you're gone I'll miss your voice And I'll think of you Out on the glen You seemed so like a fairy then... JANE Such a distance, why so far sir? ROCHESTER Oh, does that perturb you? JANE It's a long way... ROCHESTER Well, from what, Jane? Why should that disturb you? Jane, we've been friends... JANE It's getting late, sir. ROCHESTER Jane, what is wrong? JANE I must go in, sir. ROCHESTER Jane, is that a tear that's in your eye? JANE Yes, it is, and I cry because the pain Because the grief Is slowly turning to rage I'm like a bird upon the brief Who wishes she were never born into this cage I know you think because I'm plain That I feel nothing inside If I were rich, if I were beautiful... ...then I should think I would make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you. I love Thornfield and I grieve to leave it, for here I have talked, face to face, with what I reverence, what I delight in-with an original, a vigorous, an expanded mind- but I see the necessity of departure and it is like looking on the necessity of death. ROCHESTER Where do you see the necessity? JANE In the shape of your bride. ROCHESTER Jane, there is place for you And Jane, it is here with me To live in this house To stand as my wife JANE What do you mean? ROCHESTER Jane, you are my second self And Jane, don't you see the truth That you are the heart of my life? JANE But what of Blanche? ROCHESTER She's gone, never to return The gypsy told her that my wealth Wasn't half of my first claim And Blanche Ingram, bless her heart Took the bait, and not my name I would not...I could never have married Blanche Ingram. Because my equal is here, and my likeness. JANE Why did you make me believe you loved her? ROCHESTER To make you jealous. JANE Why? ROCHESTER Jane, to make you as in love with me As I am in love with you, Be my wife. Say my name! JANE Edward... ROCHESTER Will you marry me, Jane Eyre? You mean more to me than life What's your answer? Tell me now! Do you consent to be my wife? God forgive me, you are not getting away from me! If I had a string under my ribs Knotted to you, connecting our frames I'd be afraid that many a mile Would sever the tie And I would take to bleeding inwardly Are you my savior, are you my saint Protecting my soul With communion and light? Stand as my equal, be my reward Slay custom and code With love as your sword Childish, slender creature My hope of heaven lies Inside your eyes I hear you cherished voice Across the moorland skies Will I not guard and cherish you As long as I shall live? Will I not sanction you With all the love my heart can give? And I wash my hands Of every youthful crime Defy them all God will give me time And you will lead me, blind JANE Yes, sir. I will marry you. ROCHESTER Childish slender creature My hope of heaven lies Inside your precious eyes I hear you cherished voice Across the moorland skies Your youth and spirit Gentle presence Flies us up to heaven Across the skies