
Part Five


Another day of not knowing 
Not knowing what it's about or what to do 
There's nothing to do 
Is it just go outside and you'll find something to do 
It appears we make the things to do 
Life has been made so simple to survive 
We create objectives that seem dubious in value 
If we didn't accumulate things around us 
We wouldn't have to think about them 
Or do anything with them 
So is it stare at the wall and see God 
Is that simply another invention of what to do 
What makes for happiness 
I suppose most people find themselves in a need to produce 
To accomplish basic necessities 
The purchase of food and habitation 
The education of children 
So because these basic things don't cause me to be driven thoughtless 
Bent on the animal instinct 
Or befuddled with group concern 
I can't die to the why that looms in my consciousness 
Is it that I can't create 
Or do I see the falling of making something of nothing 
Because it is nothing 
Maybe it's creator died 
Man can have his needs so easily met 
Because his superior intelligence has created efficiency 
OK but what now 
What does one who doesn't care do 
And does he take steps to force himself to deal with the results of those steps 
What's so great about beauty, nature 
Sometimes feeling so physically good is depressing 
If I don't do anything 
It's all despair 
And I want to die 
Do I know too much or not enough 
Going on and on and on and on beyond 
Far beyond what is needed 
Is that success 
Why do I stay here and ask what for 
If I don't want to do that 
What is there to do