Friends in high places Others in cages Tips on the races and a bottle full of rum You never will see him From here to the river If you do see him he'll be drunk and in a cab Well panic at attack was up the Samaritans Little brother sat tight lonely with a pack Two hours argue phone poll Both we had our hang ups Muchos never listening and their never calling up Right old bloke Scott decided oh theyre dancers Down in the sub at the other side of town Turn to Robbies at university Watching clocks singing along as he stays out on his stumps Friends in high places Others in cages Tips on the races and a bottle full of rum You never will see him From here to the river If you do see him he'll be drunk and in a cab Quicksand lie got the best of the man All alone in his tunnel with Whilst young professionals watching girls on poles Hes work hard play hard dying to get old Tied till your thirty hes secured in gold Raising up the family make sure they never know Friends in high places Others in cages Tips on the races and a bottle full of rum You never will see him From here to the river If you do see him he'll be drunk and in a cab B-B-B-Baby you must know The dance of the young professionals (Yeh Yeh B-B-B-Baby you must know) The dance of the young professionals B-B-B-Baby you must know The dance of the young professionals B-B-B-Baby you must know The dance of the young professionals Friends in high places Others in cages Tips on the races and a bottle full of rum You never will see him From here to the river If you do see him he'll be drunk and in a cab Friends in high places Others in cages Tips on the races and a bottle full of rum You never will see him From here to the river If you do see him he'll be drunk and in a cab Hey! B-B-B-Baby you must know The dance of the young professionals Hey! B-B-B-Baby you must know The dance of the young professionals