Jami Smith

Psalm 63

Jami Smith

O God You are my God 
Earnestly I seek You 
My body longs for You 
My soul thirsts for You 
In a dry and weary land 
Where there is no stream 
You extend Your gracious hand 
And give life to me 

I've seen You in Your temple 
And beheld Your glory 
Because Your love is better 
Than all around me 
I will praise You all my days 
As long as I can sing 
In Your name I lift my hands 
To worship Thee 

My soul will be satisfied 
With abundant riches 
I think of You in the night 
How I need Your mercy 
Because You are my help 
I will pray and sing 
Resting daily in the shadow of Your wing 

O God You are my God 
Earnestly I seek You