Jack Hannafor

Part 3

Jack Hannafor

I’ll give him anything he wants!
He’s a good man, God bless him, she said
Then she went to the chimney
Where the couple’s savings were kept hidden

She took out two pieces of gold
And five pieces of silver, which in those
Days was a lot of money
She handed everything over to the old soldier and
Told him to hurry up and give it to her first husband
I will, Jack told the

Woman, as soon as I return to Heaven
When the farmer came back, his
Wife told him all about how a messenger
Had come from Heaven
She said

That the man asked for money
For her first husband, who was living and
Working in Heaven, but who was poor
You are a foolish woman! Shouted
The farmer
How could you believe such a silly story?
Well, you are even

More foolish, said the woman
Because you showed me where the money
Was hidden
The husband did not agree with what she said, but he did not
Stay to argue
He hurried off on his horse to try to find the old soldier before
He got too far away