I worship sand and stone The mother earth and I alone The mountains are flesh and bone Environment to call my own I see you technogreed And hear a voice of vicious creed Volcanoes start to bleed And the species sway with need I worship sand and stone The mother earth and I alone The mountains are flesh and bone Environment to call my own I see you technogreed And hear a voice of vicious creed Volcanoes start to bleed And the species sway with need Foreseeing ruined fate Against the trees that you hate Too soon it's far too late To end the death you satiate Every day thousands of acres of rain forest are torn down in the name of technology, destroying endangered species and plants like the periwinkle flower, which holds the cure for some kinds of children's leukaemia. Who gave us the right to destroy this planet? The trees are sick and tired Their patience has expired Sickened by this mess Homes made from their own flesh They de-bone us alive So the saplings can survive Stitching skin to skin A final unity of men They make us a bleeding dome To protect their only home To save the mother earth To pave way for the rebirth