[As thy arrive from the blackest planet of our solar system Many aeons have passed since thy took advantage of dark mountain The place where we observed thy passed! Thy in thee ritus of the black woods as thy black rays increase by thy summoning Invoking in tongues unknown vomited like the elementals Aeonic kaos spells echo through the black woods Dogs in slaughter, yield in disruption fear feeding thy astral veil We observe and see thy thought forms discreate In our astral vision awareness is one in Untime Thy fungous entities are floating through mists of dark vapor Propulsive to the chosen building to invade thee souls inside Blown into the kaosmic abyss thy fungi entities shrieking unto its gateways Most morbid in appearance trans-morphing complex high technologies Placed vacuum brain android protoplasm engaging into the vortex void Carries the droids awareness into multidimensional atmospheres In use of its astral seeing eye the warlock observes its pathway Unto the blackest planets travelling through all devouring black holes To the all engulfing and unspeakable kaos worlds of the ancient ones As thy arise we observe thy floating Above dark mountain with colors oh so bright Into interstellar space (without any form of ship) Aural shine like liquid travelling in this force field The chosen souls are given a kaosmic in secret experience In a leveled state of consciousness to be fatal yet unknown Lead by thy fungi (creatures) through kaosmic nether spheres Of darkest matter and subtle strange energies Thy travel the kaosmic seas of pure utter darkness On kaosmic winds we f (ol) low towards a void of no return Back in the chosen building a wax mask was found of Nyarlathotep Iak Iak Yog-Sothoth Iak Yuggoth Iak Kthulhu