This is Saudi Arabian airport May I have your attention please All passengers on flight number six o sex to Monaco Please approach to gate number two Thank you Take me to Monaco Take me to Mexico Take it to me in a taxi I'm feeling sexy Danna International Take me to Paris Kiss me, mon chéri I have sesame Come see my sumsum Danna International Wa abiba eh wa abiba ba Wa abuba bomba bomba ba You are the millionaire And I have golden hair I'm giving pussy Come on and kiss me Danna International I bought it in the duty-free Givenchy shampoo And expensive trousers Compact disc and telephone Danna International Shushu, oh Shushu Get hot, Shushu My heart, Shushu Kiss me, Shushu Come on, Shushu Touch me, Shushu Oh, come on! Take me, Shushu Ladies and gentlemen, attention please Five minutes before landing in Ben-Gurion airport No kiss-kiss, no necking And no business allowed Thank you