
Esclave D'une Puissance Infinie


A valley and rivers are broad open around the prophetic mountains, so that the man can look toward infinity.
Of here moved while following much metamorphosis. but from hell the faithful image goes down, the divine words rain innumerable.
The demon strange and feverish glance, blazed in his eyes. the demon speaks by his lips ; he even speaks still in him, when his lips are dumb, when his brain goes out, when his body dies. his soul quartered by excessive suffering, until in its intimate depths.
When his mind rambled, the demonic power hidden in him appears suddenly, it's venerating disproportion. he doesn't know who he is and the way he takes, because he is coming from infinity, for moving to infinity. he touched lightly the real world during his journey.
An extra human thing acted in him, a force on the top of his.
He feels subjected, being a slave to higher power, about demon who agitates his interior cosmos. the nature leaves at the bottom of his soul as in ours, its old chaos. it was a heroic combat, this fight lasted a whole life. his death resounded in infinity.