I'll tell you something : In south of France There's a cruel game Played by kids ! They take burning coal Dispose it in circle The put in the center Right in the middle a noble creature. That is the scorpion, with its mortal sting Here in its prison, the water sign In a circle of fire, laughed at by the kids. And then they watch Kids are fascinated The scorpion stands still Until the heat is too high It the tries to escape ! Ah ! Ah ! The children guffaw Ah ! Ah ! How funny ! Look ! Look ! Scream the children Look ! Look ! It tries to escape The animal hang around, Looking for a way out Meticulously, but there's none. Kids laugh as it returns at the center He awaits, enduring its torture. But the fire burns so strong ! It is so desperate That its terrible sting rises up And the noble scorpion strikes to death ! Kids are fascinated The scorpion is motionless The heat was too high It choose the last escape ! Ah ! Ah ! The children guffaw Ah ! Ah ! How funny ! Look ! Look ! Scream the children Look ! Look ! How it dies !