Tom: B This one is my first tab ever so Im not quite sure how to write it but I guess Ill hust do as all the others..And you have to excuse my bad pitch and my bad english Anyway here we go: E---------------------------------| B-0-0-4--5--7----4--5--4--5---0-0-| G---------------------------------| D---------------------------------| A---------------------------------| E---------------------------------| Intermezzo (is it called that? forgot to check it, sorry) E------------------| B-4-4--5-5--4-4--0-| G------------------| D------------------| A------------------| E------------------| E----------------------------------| B-0-0-4--5--7----4--5--4--7---0-0--| G----------------------------------| D----------------------------------| A----------------------------------| E----------------------------------| Another "intermezzo" E------------------| B-4-4--5-5--7-7--0-| G------------------| D------------------| A------------------| E------------------| E---------------------------------| B-0-0--4--5--7---5-4-5-4-5-4--7-0-| G---------------------------------| D---------------------------------| A---------------------------------| E---------------------------------| Also Im not quite sure if it shall be played on the B string or the G string. At least It may help youout if you are unsure anout something and might figure it out yourself...Anyway thanks for taking time to read my hard-sucking english and mayde to play my lousy tab :P If you have any comments, wayleading for me about making tabs etc. fel free to mail them to *