
Victim Of Hate


Victim Of Hate

Crusified by hate
Baptism by killing
Pagan sacrifice
Soul of Satan lives in Me

Your life
On My hands will be
Now I win, you see
Lord of Darkness stand with Me

Crushing of your bones
Drinking of your blood
Peing on your corpse
Ravens pecked your eyes

Now thou are dead
Victim of Hate

Your corpse
They will take from thy cross
To thy tomb !
Insects will live in your guts
Thou will Rot ! 

You loose
Your soul is lost

Now thou are dead
Victim of Hate

Your corpse
They will take from thy cross
To thy tomb !
Insects will live in your guts
Thou will.....
ROT !!!! 

And your soul
On My hands will be
Now I won, you see
Lord of Evel, be With Me!!!