High, from virtual thrones through them We've lived lives can you see the black Hearts behind those vicious smiles? Sucking people's existence a social plague They proudly spread statues of authority Swarming masses of living dead building The power on bases of fear and lack of Scruples denying reason submit the lives Inhumane monsters raising their empires at Our expense just empty shell of human surrogates Blow it is not a question of power Of their magic but the sole magic of their Own power flayers of free thoughts ready To judge those who are different harshful Corrupters of harmony stealer's of life with No respect they pillage stealer's of life stealer's of human dignity they're taking away The most precious thing that you've ever had The essence of life they need to feed with Looking triumphant if that means winning I'd rather lose washing our brains with false Morality stealer's of life nightmares made Of plastic stealer's of life stealer's of human Liberty hollow, blank words, fill those greedy Pale mouths preaching, good deeds, as they Practice evil ones building the power on Bases of fear and lack of scruples denying Reason submit the lives liars, see what Flows within them rotting, spiteful pillars of The system human artifacts