Footsteps seep through the dead air as he creeps closer to the chair Rocking back and forth A succubus and his heir Six years since your birth, time to seal your destiny on this Earth The ceremonial ritual of Our Father The mother fucked and consumed at the altar The thirteenth son The demon spawn Devoured and defiled Flayed and torn Statues of iron stare as he thrusts Rectum exposed as the tormented souls watch Mammoth like tusk Throbbing deep Mangling his mother with serrated teeth His legacy fulfilled, like father like son For the child, born dead, a new life has begun But this is the spark that triggered his end The child, now man, declares his intent The ceremonial ritual of Our Father The mother fucked and consumed at the altar The thirteenth son The demon spawn Devoured and defiled Flayed and torn I am the Bringer I am the Taker I am hate's purest form And when I'm done with this Kingdom You will know fear once more Scum, heed my words There shall be no hope There will be no end to your suffering For the Devil himself fears my name Scum, heed my words There will be no hope What you call fear is but a shadow of its truest form For I am God And there is no other God beside me Statues of iron stared as I thrust Rectum exposed as the demented souls watched Mammoth-like tusk Throbbing deep I mangled my mother with serrated teeth Meet your maker for I am God, and there is no other God beside me