Poor old man put the bottle in your pocket from the other side sang some youngsters of the brightness that life is too smart to cry, too clever to die being proud for their brood, being proud for their style some icecold brain works on deathcalculation don't say any prayer, take a gun, save your nation knock, knock, knock, knock, knocking on doors and no one opens and I know all the heretics will go up in flames I got a lot of tears for you I got a lot of tears for you for you too Primitiveness rules I can't see any way out all movement is still and I cannot shoot louder times lazes away, time is going over I cannot unload and there's a cold, cold, cold fear every paralyzed moment of life is a deathblow too feared to get into, too scared of find out I've never slandered a friend or a dream, yet so who wants to blame me, so who wants to die I got a lot of tears.... yeah, yeah... I got a lot of tears for you..... for you too.