Walk this test and walk this straight while your feet are on fire Blazing ballet bolt and chains liaison was a liar Raised to a blessing bowl by a god you ought to know Five ways to be as we are As we are Already old is the iron race Already gone is the golden age Under death spirit the mortals betray Already old is the iron race Legions fought where legends lay becoming of their doom Brazen battle quickest of deaths Created lemurs of the dead taraxippus danger point Chariot ghost horse scarer legend of Olympia sacrifice Start of race Already old is the iron race Already gone is the golden age Under death spirit the mortals betray Already old is the iron race Warlike warlike heroic age battle race are you blessed Fifth race the iron race will be destroyed by Zeus When babies emerge from mothers wombs already old Life indicates our end five ways to be Five ways to be Already old is the iron race Already gone is the golden age Under death spirit the mortals betray Already old is the iron race