In Dying Days

June 09th, 2002

In Dying Days

Wait another year wait another day
Why hasn't the pain just gone away
All your efforts amount to nothing
Or so it seems but that's just it nothing gets out clean
All you know is you know nothing

One day you think you'll have answers
One day is all you think you have
Today all you have are questions
One days could you leave it all behind

Break this disguise this subliminal hold this outside control
Can you start living for yourself
Forget MTV hardcore PSAs and activist porno
Can you accept the nature of yourself

One day you can't stop crying
And you don't even know why
There's no answer there's no path
It's you against the world always was always will
How could you have been so blind

A world with no truth The soul a hollow tree
Caught up in what you think you want
And what you think you need
Desires turn into obsessions
They swallow you whole turn your body
And mind against your soul
It's those desires you must let go

Nobody said this would be easy
But you know this is for the best
You think you're down for the count
But there's a fire in you yet
Right now you feel stupid
Like the smallest person alive
I'm telling you there's less courage in accepting
Then there is in wondering why
I won't let you give up
Not after we've come this far
Let go of this obsession
And feel no shame in who you are