HOATH: Darbs Lucifero Ipamis mad, ipamis Jesuz, ipamis mad, ipamis Jesuz Amma mad, amma Jesuz, amma mad, amma Jesuz (Cunt, fuck, kill, die) Bagle zire Sathanaz, bagle zire Lucifero Bagle zire Sathanaz, bagle zire Lucifero Ipamis mad, ipamis Jesuz, amma mad, amma Jesuz! (Vomit, death and agony) Translation: The True Worshipper Obeys Lucifer There's No God, There's No Jesus, There's No God, There's No Jesus Cursed God, Cursed Jesus, Cursed God, Cursed Jesus For I am The Lord Satan, For I am The Lord Lucifer, For I am The Lord Satan, For I am The Lord Lucifer, There's No God, There's No Jesus, Cursed God, Cursed Jesus!