Tom: E / The following is the author's own interpretation of the song, to be used - / for studying or private use only, removal of any part of this ten line - / header is illegal!!! Removal of the transcribers name or anything - / relevant to the transcriber is also illegal, as so is the removal of the - / place inwhich the tab was downloaded. Publishing as well as printing of - / owner of the song. Failure to apply to these laws result will in legal - / action from the appropriate parties. - ############################################### ############### DOWNLOADED FROM ############### ######## W W W . I M M O R T A L . N U ######## ############################################### / = slide up \ = slide off (slide down) xxx = pickscrape /// & " = tremolo pick ah = artificial harmonic ~ = vibrato, or hold note. x = dead note (muted) Palm Mute where else you feel necessary. RIFF A (sometimes C5 goes tremolo when it is held. Bass plays behind C5 something wild) e |----------------------------------------------------------------------| B |----------------------------------------------------------------------| G |--------------------12------------------------------------------------| D |-9--------------9---12----------9--------------9----------------------| A |-7---9---10-----7---10---10-----7---9---10-----7---101010121212-10----| E |-----7---8---------------8----------7---8-----------------------8-----| RIFF B e |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D |--------999101010-------------------------------------999101010-------101010999| A |-7------7778-8-8--7------7-7-8p7-10p7-8p7-10p7-7------7778-8-8--------8-8-8-777| E |-0000000----------0000000----------------------0000000---------0000000---------| RIFF A RIFF B (2x) (first time heavy palm mute last two chords when downpicking them) RIFF C (4x) e |-----------------------------------------| B |--6-6---6--------------6-6---6-----------| G |---7-7---7--------------7-7---7----------| D |2-----------77775-4-2------------777-2-2-| A |2-----------55553-2-2------------555-0-2-| E |0-------------------0------------------0-| RIFF C (2 more times with lyrics): Farewell... lengethening pain inside me Harnessbells... I hear them calling me RIFF D e |-------------------------------------| B |-------------------------------------| G |---------------ah--------------------| D |-7-7-66-77-6-6-3---7-7-66-77-6-6-3/4-| A |-5-5-44355-4-4-----5-5-44355-4-4-1/2-| E |-------------------------------------| RIFF C (2x) : A demon... watch my walk in snow Remain... my years of silent sorrow RIFF D (2x) (artificial harmonics are different each time. 1=higher, 2=lower pitches) (like on third fret of 2, then 1 strings) RIFF E (2x)* E5 D5 A5 Ab5 e |///-----///----///----///---------------| *when you play this riff make sure B |----------------------------------------| to play each note for a beat then slide G |----------------------------------------| down and off, rest, D |----------------------------------------| and slide to the next note A |------------------------------14--------| (slide off only for E and D notes) E |-12-----10-----17-----16---------17-16--| With E (4x): Dome in the sky / black winds to taste shadowsed spirits lead my way... Drifting everly alone years of silent sorrow until i'm home... RIFF F (P.M. this riff) e |------------------------------------------------------------| B |------------------------------------------------------------| G |------------------------------------------------------------| D |------------------------------------------------------------| A |77-77--77-77---33-33--33-33\8-77-77--77-77---33-33--33-33\8-| E |00-00--00-00---00-00--00-00---00-00--00-00---00-00--00-00---| INTERLUDE e |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A |-7~~-7~7hp87-5-7-3~-----ah--77h8p7-5-7--7x788810101212887-7h8p7-5~-333/888-| E |--------------------333-5--------------------------------------------------| RIFF F VARIATION 2x with lyrics: (Palm Mute first part of this riff) e |--------------------------------------------| B |--------------------------------------------| G |--------------------------------------------| D |-------------------------5-------5----------| A |-7-7-7-7777-7-7-7-7777-7-3-------3------\8--| E |-0-0-0-0000-0-0-0-0000-0--------------------| Bitterness with bitterness you bitter me... Emptiness with emptiness you empty me... INTERLUDE RIFF F VARIATION 2x with lyrics: Darkness with darkness you darkened me this journey black before me... RIFF F INTERLUDE 2 (two guitars arranged for one) INTERLUDE 2.1 e |------------------------------------------------||----------------- B |------------------------------------------------||----------------- G |--------5-----------------------5---------------||*---------------- D |-2------5----------------2------5---------------||*---------------- A |-2------3---2--2--0--0---2------3---2--2--0--0--||/1010101010\----- E |-0---------3-33-33-22-22-0---------3-33-33-22-22||----------------- ????????????? P.M............ ............. e ------------------------------------------------------------------ B ------------------------------------------------------------------ G --------------5--------------------------------------------------- D --------------5--------------------------------------------------- A /1010-9-10-9\-3--2--2--0--0--/10-10101010\----10--12-10-9-10-9-7-\ E ----------------3-33-33-22-22-0----------------------------------- P.M.......... e ---------|| Playing interlude 2, going into 3 parts of 2.1 interlude. B ---------|| After part 2.1 was played twice there is a silent rest for a beat G -5------*|| then it goes again one more time around ending with a pick-scrape D -5--5---*|| and a 'Ahh!' by Abbath. A -3--5----|| E ----3----|| RIFF A RIFF B 2x RIFF C 4x with: Farewell... nothing breathes within me Harnessbells... sounding cold behind me A demon... with frozen eyes opened this journey black behind me... RIFF D 2x RIFF E 2x without lyrics, next 4 with: (also the riff varies with artificial harmonics, several endings from the original) With E (4x): Dome in the sky / black winds to taste shadowsed spirits/lead my way... Drifting everly alone/years of silent sorrow until i'm ho-me-m-m-m-m-m... THE END RIFF e |--------------------------------xx--------------------------------- B |--------------------------------xPx-----xAx------------------------ G |---------------------------------xIx---xRxPx----------------------- D |----------------------------------xCx-xCx-xEx---------------------- A |-----------------------------------xKxSx---x---10"-9"-7"-5"-3"-2"-- E |-0-12"---0-10"-----0-8"-------------xxx--------12"-10"9"----5"-3"-- e ---------------------------------| B ---------------------------------| G ---------------------------------| D ----------------------------2----| A ----------------------------2----| E -2p0h2p0-%-RITARD------0----| (trill repeats) Track 6 from At The Heart Of The Winter (Osmose '99) comments / questions / correction to the writer/transcribed : *