Immortal Pride

Vinland Elite

Immortal Pride

As we stand on our soil
Hateful, Defiant, Proud
We will march on our enemies
Smashing their skulls under storming thunder clouds

The blood of the infidels
Who held us back for years
Pooled across the fields
As their heads rode our spears

The wretched and the false
Are on the attack again today
Their goal is to annihilate
Til we're enslaved and obey

We shall never capitulate
We will never cower
We must decimate the scum
With superior fire power

Vinland Elite
Cowards retreat
Vinland Elite
Our enemy's defeat

Judeo-fascist scum
A sickening display
Polluting our minds
With filth and decay

Zionism, Communism, Christianity
Forced upon an unsuspecting humanity

We are not the humble
We'll spit in your face
Your tribe will be forgotten
Your filthy lies erased

We will drive you into the
oppression you deserve
We were born to rule
you were born to serve

Ending millenia of guilt, lies and greed
Manipulating nations, watching others bleed
Into the dirt with your laws and your rules
Destroying the teachings old nomadic fools