*THE CROWD:* With his teaching he stirs up the crowd And claims to be the Son of God We heard him blaspheme So we've brought him to the trail Crucify! Crucify him!!! *THE PILATE:* I find no reason to condemn him I'll have him whipped and I'll let him go. He's saying nothing in his defense He is refusing to say a word. And my wife - she dreamt last night I really don't know why... But she said to me: *THE PILATE'S WIFE:* Don't get involved with that innocent man! *THE PILATE:* Which one of these two d'you want me to Release for you? Shall I set the Messiah free? *THE CROWD:* No! Not him! We want Barabbas! *THE PILATE:* Do you realize I really could put you to death? But I also have authority To set you free! *JESUS:* Your authority comes not from you, 't was given you by God And so the man Who betrayed me Is guilty of A worse sin!