Ikuinen Kaamos

Forever Doomed

Ikuinen Kaamos

Can you see the mask on my face? 
Can you see the flames behind my eyes? 
Can you see the vision of dying realms? 
Can you see the mayhem inside? 

Can you hear the voices inside me? 
Can you hear the laughter that faded? 
Can you hear the whispers from the past? 
Can you hear the cry of mankind? 

Lost my control of emotions 
Burying it all six feet under 
Stepped away from the sanity 
Torn apart from all that meant something 
Darkness falls through my soul 
Through my veins of woe 
Life runs like sand through my fingers 
Through my fist of rage 

Rage, hatred strenghtens me 
Bringer of sorrow walks beside me 
Destruction, mourning drowns my thoughts 
The last hope of survival fades away 
There's no harmony in my world 
No place for peace or tranquil dreams 
Love is dead, mutilated by fate 
All I see is fire on the horizon