Will we ever be friends again Will ever forgive you Will we ever be friends again Will you ever forgive me Cause I could really need you now I could really need you now Will we ever be friends again? Will you ever dear trust me Will we pick up where we left it years ago Or should we start it all over again Is that even possible Should we come up with new names Who are you gonna be? Please answer me Cause I could really need you now I could really need you now Can I ever come visit you? Can I ever come hug you? There are so many things that only you know how to do And you know all my secrets And you know all my heartaches And you know how to handle me When nobody else knows what to do Do you remember that one time When I was really drunk And I was gonna jump You told me to climb back inside And still to this day What can I say You can be a dick sometimes You can really be an asshole Lord knows you've made me cry But thank you for saving my life Are we ever gonna be friends again?