
When Vampiro Gets High


(ready... just remember its school you gotta be faster though, we gotta go 
through it faster.) why? (because we dont have that much space) im feelin' it 
man, theyre gonna break it up. (the name is vampirogo)The anme is vampirogo... 
vampiro, child of the rancid, retched darkness, vampiro, i am trually am a 
juggaloust, maniack iller, super unknown hero. (vampiro) yeah a true hatred 
writer, long reign the lotus killers. then again it is my privalege to power 
bomb your fuckin ass on bed of butcher knives mother fucker .(mother 
facker)open up the pandoras box bitch boy and i am one of six killers jimmy 
manoxide (jimmy madrox) oh fuck ok thats that dude from twiztid. shaggy 
(manoxide) blaze what the fuck? yeah manoxide, blaze (blaze) and of course 
violent j. (wet blood trails drain through the streets of detriot) like fago 
off a juggalos DICK mother fucker (a juggalos body) oh... the result of six, 
serial murdering maniac killers, killing, murdering, stabbing (chopping, 
packing, cutting, shooting) and maybe lighting your dick on fire bitch. (woo!) 
all hail the lotus pod from hence we came and when our job is complete we will 
return to (in your wrists, in your wrists) in my nuts (no, in your wrists) 
alright... (the lotus pod) the lotus pod (the lotus pod) the lotus pod fucka! 
the next level, six maniac killa's. the lotus POD! (the lotus pod) the lotus 
pod (look at me not mi...i mean look at the microphone not me. dont look me 
look at the microphone) im looking at the microphone man...(the lotus pod) the 
lotus pod (the lotus pod) my big dick (your big dick) my big.. DICK! (alright 
thats a rap)