"In the year 1982 a music was created. It was given the title: Gangsta Rap It had no positive messages, no redeeming value, hated and feared By the establishment, it changed the course of the world" [SLEJ] Ride as my jabos, cocked my straps watcha back You know where you at? You in urban combat So stay alert, use the attack of the tactical expert Puttin in work, and leavin your troops with wet shirts Your casuality rate is high, I'm closin in Prepare for your ultimate end, tell your family bye Better cool like Egon, and shine like veegon Pissin on your beons, for decades and eons You squad has no muscle plus you, my new hustle Fuck scuffin up my knuckles, rather buck you and watch you buckle I can't stand a snitch, a switch real bitch I got some transcripts to say you been runnin ya lips Now its on, on site, if I see you I'mma sin ya If I catch you in traffic I'mma gift ya somethin in ya Letcha battle with death for the prize of life I learned ta never come empty handed to a gun fight My advesaries feel fright, his last sight Was a flash of light, you said lightning could strike From the same place twice, I have your head on my death 1500, tonights your last night gettin blunted "The voices could not be stopped, it began to morph And reinvent themself, I grew like a black blade Moving like a tornado from the west to the east coast Leaving behind a path of destruction and mayhem" [Laquan] Thick's ice fix ghosts infrared no remorse And low from the exchange, psycho derranged Playa lay no feel pain, killa cocka-main I'm top framin the game, use muscle for the hustle I zip duffle bags to muffle fags Scuffle my knuckles bad on niggaz that think that they runnin shit They feel the punishment, uh, blood bath, the wrath Aftermath, at least the guns in shit Too under fallin charum leads to send up on the earth Mix things with daughters with men Since poured from birth the worth for the others Go to war with my brothers I'm unstable like Kane did to Abel I'm out the stable sinnin from the beginnin Leavin daddy's little girl pretty linen bloody red What's said in the book of dead is now all forgotten My soul's rotten, still the blood's spilled I feel Chills, I'm still plottin, I'm ill-norm Take life forms like light storms I laugh at the wrath Of the guys comin on, visions of the antichrist is risen The question is now, am I unforgiven? "Legends tells that the creator of this poison's name was Ice Although, others have told different stories, no matter Who or what invented the monster, their souls would be forever Damned to Hell" [Ice T] Enter the death chambre, cash richer, leave ya nutless Cutless with the raw scope, double ya dope Feel my back lash, body cash your whole fam and media Greedy shit, tag ya out the rag Jag, speedy shit Look in the sky, the four horsemen bustin no discussion No stoppin its apocalypse, lock and load ya clips Gonna be rich and dead, copa said don't matter cats scatter Suckas get touched, niggaz get rushed Watch em transform into animal form, wicked Hell-born Lord of the Flies, cry and ya die Mechanama come masses soul snatcher, fallen angel All angles covered for you fuckin God lovers Possession, good suggestion run cuddle your funds Double your guns, watch your kids grow, stay out my flow Be wise, the magnificence, evidence, decadence mind Seven sins, the abomination, I'm That nigga, last nigga, street mack Hot is my strap, wet is your back Understand I never forgive, leavin bodies like seive Clap gats til my fuckin shit's clipless Niggaz bear witness "Like any deadly disease, it has infected many men From the east, west, north, and south, gangsta rap is now Alive, God forgive me, God forgive me"