Sometimes i don't want to hear the truth I want to lock it all away And i'll try to find escape in you And deal with all the crap another day Forgive me if i seem shallow at times Forgive me this need to make believe But let's not get so serious if you don't mind I need a little room to breathe I know i'm asking you to dress up and it might get kind of strange But come on lie to me tell me what isn't so Lie to me tell me only what i want to know Lie to me, don't cry to me Won't you lie for me? Now that wasn't so bad was it? That wasn't so hard to do We were just kind of getting the hang of it And now i guess it's time for you You need to know how good you look to me Even in those moments when you don't And you want me to speak like poetry And just the right way or else you won't This play might be different but the lines are just the same You're saying "lie to me" There's plenty of serious people in this world Doing real serious things where they're at Nose to the grindstone, eyebrows furled No make believe just the facts And when they see us laughing and acting kind of strange They'll know you lie to me